Tuesday, 11 March 2025

CCR #2

 March 11, 2025

Script for CCR #2

Concept: For my CCR video, I’ll interview Piper, the main character. She’ll be sitting on one chair, while I’ll be sitting on the other. Piper will randomly pick questions from a box and answer them, making the interview feel more spontaneous. I’m calling it "Adri's Box Talks". The questions will cover CCR questions #1 and #2. 

This will be the second part of the interview, which is why the beginning isn’t an introduction.

[Piper pulls the first question]
PIPER: "Alright, first question!" "Discuss how you arrived at your target audience. What kind of research did you do?"

HOST: "So, how did you figure out who your target audience was for ‘One Last Time’? What kind of research went into that decision?"

PIPER: "We knew we wanted to tell a story about the transition from high school to college, something that a lot of people could relate to, especially teens and young adults. So, we started by looking at other films in that genre. We paid attention to what kind of audience they attracted and how they connected with them. We looked at what made those stories connect with people and how we could tell a similar story, but still make it unique."

HOST: "That makes sense. You’re really focusing on that age group who’s going through big changes, right?"

PIPER: "Exactly. It’s not just about the age, but the experience. People going through big life changes like leaving home or starting college are really going to understand the themes in the film."

[Piper pulls the second question]
PIPER: "Here’s the next one." "Discuss how your production choices work to engage a bigger audience."

HOST: "So now that you know who your audience is, how did you make sure the film would actually grab their attention?

PIPER: "We wanted everything to feel relatable. From the way we shot scenes to the soundtrack, it was all about making it feel real. We didn’t want anything to be over-the-top or fake. The music, in particular, was important. We chose songs that are popular with younger audiences.

HOST: "That makes a lot of sense. So, it was about keeping things real and making sure people could see themselves in it."

PIPER: "Yeah, we wanted the audience to watch something relatable. Whether it’s the awkwardness of graduation or the excitement of what’s next, we wanted it to feel real."

[Piper pulls the final question]
PIPER: "Alright, here’s the last one." "How does your product engage with audiences, and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"

HOST: "Now that the film’s out, how do you think it connects with the audience? And if ‘One Last Time’ were being distributed as a real media text, how would it reach people?"

PIPER: "I think the film really speaks to anyone going through a transition in their life. It’s not just about leaving high school and going to college. It’s about change, figuring out who you are, and moving on from what’s familiar. That’s something almost everyone can understand."

HOST: "I agree. So, if you were releasing it in the real world, how would people be able to watch it?"

PIPER: "I think platforms like YouTube would be a great fit. It’s easy to access, and people can share it with friends. It’s the kind of film that doesn’t need a huge marketing campaign. People will watch it and talk about it."

HOST: "I think YouTube would be perfect for it, especially since people could discover it on their own and share it. It’s all about reaching the right audience."

PIPER: "Exactly. It’s not about a big theatrical release. It’s about getting it to the people who will appreciate it the most."

PIPER: "Okay, I think that’s it!" "Thank you so much for having me on!"

HOST: "Yeah, this was awesome! Thanks for coming on today, Piper. It’s been great hearing all about the journey behind ‘One Last Time’. I know everyone’s going to connect with the story you’ve shared. To everyone watching, if you haven’t seen the film yet, make sure you check it out on YouTube! Thanks again, Piper, and thanks to all of you for tuning in to Adri’s Box Talks! See you next time!"

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